Kalliomekaniikan päivä järjestettiin 27.09.2023 Helsingissä, Tieteiden talossa, sali 104 (Kirkkokatu 6). Jaettavaksi saadut esitykset löytyvät alta. Heinz Konietzkyn esitys on saatavilla erikseen pyytämällä.
The Finnish Rock Mechanics Day was organised on September 27th in hall 104 of Tieteiden talo (Kirkkokatu 6, Helsinki). Presentations that are available for download can be found below. Heinz Konietzky’s presentation is available upon request.
Aamun ohjelma / Morning session
Teema: Kallion luokittelu Puheenjohtaja: TkT Lauri Uotinen, KMY ry
Theme: Rock mass characterization Chair: Dr. Lauri Uotinen, KMY ry
Kahvit ja ilmoittautuminen / Coffee and enrolment
Opening words, welcome from KMY ry and greetings from the ISRM Dr. Lauri Uotinen, KMY ry
KEYNOTE: Sustainable use of underground space – selected aspects Prof. Heinz Konietzky, TU Bergakademie Freiberg
KEYNOTE: Sustainable extraction via green transition and up-skill engineers expertise Dr. Veiko Karu, TalTech
Remote rock mass mapping for rock mechanics and education Dr. Mateusz Janiszewski, Aalto University
Measuring roughness and aperture of fractures using photogrammetry Masoud Torkan, Aalto University
Rock engineering in Aalto University Dr. Topias Siren, Aalto University
Prof. Dr. habil. Heinz Konietzky got a PhD degree (topic: mining induced seismicity) and later also the Habilitation degree (topic: numerical simulation using explicit methods). For about 15 years he has worked in the industry as project engineer, consultant and company manager in the field of rock and foundation engineering. Since 2006 he is working as university professor at the Technical University Bergakademie Freiberg in Germany: Chair for Rock Mechanics and head of the rockmechanical laboratory. He has experience in numerical simulations as well as lab and borehole testing and works as expert for several organisations, like mining authorities in Germany and Austria, the Nuclear Inspectorate ENSI in Switzerland and the Institute of Geonics (Czech Republic).
Dr. Veiko Karu (PhD in Power Engineering and Geotechnology, TalTech, Tallinn, Estonia) is the head of the Mining and Mineral Technology Division at TalTech Department of Geology. He is a member of national Mining and Geological Societies and international Society of Mining Professors. His experience in international projects and cooperation (Horizon 2020; Horizon Europa; INTERREG, etc) with a system thinking approach is valuable when building business cases (research; development; international courses) for a circular economy in the raw materials sector. Dr. Veiko Karu research interest and technical competencies include mining engineering and design, mineral economics, mining environmental impact and remediation, mine waste management, circular economic and social sustainability, quantitative resource evaluation, and ESG management. As a Senior Project Manager at TalTech for Horizon 2020, Horizon Europa and EIT Raw Materials, Dr. Karu and his team are open to solving the challenges in the raw materials sector. TalTech is a core member of EIT Digital and EIT Raw Materials, where the team is partnering in a total of 44 projects (since 2016). Every technology needs raw materials, to secure the supply of the raw materials, entrepreneurs need to follow responsible sourcing models and secure social license to operate. Dr. Veiko Karu can also share information on how to validate the business case and further development through various available accelerator programs in Europa.
The 1st SLRMES Conference on Rock Mechanics for Infrastructure and Geo-resources Development – an ISRM Specialized Conference will be held in Sri Lanka on December 2-7, 2023. As of August 31st, 2023, 4 Keynotes, 12 Session Lead Lectures, and 66 Regular lectures are expected to be presented on December 4-5, 2023. Three practically oriented short courses and one workshop are listed on the conference website for participants to select and learn on December 2-3, 2023. Two technical tours are listed on the conference website for participants to select and engage on December 6-7, 2023.
The early bird registration deadline is set for September 30th, 2023. In order to take advantage of the highly affordable reduced registration fees, please register through the conference website.
ISRM:n online-keskustelutilaisuudessa on tällä kertaa aiheena ”What model for what application in rock mechanics”. Puhujina toimii Heinz Konietzky Saksasta sekä Jonny Sjöberg Ruotsista. Tilaisuus alkaa klo 9.6.2022 klo 16.00 Suomen aikaa (15:00 CET, 13:00 GMT). Keskusteluun voi osallistua Zoom-palvelun avulla tai seurata keskustelua ISRM:n Youtube-kanavalla livelähetyksessä.
EUROCK2022 Symposiumin yhteydessä järjestetään 12.9.2022 puoli- ja kokopäiväisiä lyhytkursseja, joihin voi osallistua riippumatta siitä, osallistuuko varsinaiseen symposiumiin. Ilmoittautuminen päättyy 15.6.2022.