Reservoir Geomechanics
A Free Online Course from Stanford University
April 1, 2014 – June 10, 2014
For More Information and to Register for the Course at No Cost visit the URL:
This interdisciplinary course encompasses the fields of rock mechanics, structural geology, earthquake seismology and petroleum engineering to address a wide range of geomechanical problems that arise during the exploitation of oil and gas reservoirs. The course considers key practical issues such as prediction of pore pressure, estimation of hydrocarbon column heights and fault seal potential, determination of optimally stable well trajectories, casing set points and mud weights, changes in reservoir performance during depletion, and production-induced faulting and subsidence. The first part of the course establishes the basic principles involved in a way that allows readers from different disciplinary backgrounds to understand the key concepts. The course is intended for geoscientists and engineers in the petroleum and geothermal industries, and for research scientists interested in stress measurements and their application to problems of faulting and fluid flow in the crust.
Mark D. Zoback, Professor of Geophysics, Stanford University
Arjun H. Kohli, Graduate Teaching Assistant
The course consists of 20, 90 minute lectures (in ~20 minute segments). 2 lectures will be made available each week starting April 1, 2014. Most of the course follows Dr. Zoback’s textbook, Reservoir Geomechanics, with updated examples and applications.
Lectures 18 and 19 are on topics related to geomechanical issues affecting shale gas and tight oil recovery. Lecture 20 is on the topic of managing the risk of triggered and induced seismicity.
Reservoir Geomechanics is available from:
Cambridge University Press:
Amazon and Kindle: